Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Day For Day Lives Of Homeless Youth And Observes The...
According to Finkelstein, she states; â€Å"An estimation of 500,000 to 1.5 million youth in America run away from or are kicked out of their homes†(Introduction, P.2). In this book, Finkelstein explores the day-to-day lives of homeless youth and observes the world under their viewpoint and position. She studied a sample of 50 children from the East Village of New York, around Tompkins Square Park, East River Park, and the nearby locales. The researcher conducted her fieldwork throughout two successive summers, as in the view of the fact that the street kids usually travel to New York in the summer time. The author provides the readers an understanding of their lives by virtue of ethnographic interviews and observations, which carries as a fundamental verified of information and help combine numerous perspectives. Finkelstein offered a broad picture and knowledge of the street kids by aiming to assist social services institutions to deal with this predominantly disregarded po pulation. As mentioned earlier, the researcher used ethnographic interviews and participant observation to gain information from the street kids. Nevertheless, the author states that her first duty in the field was to satisfy the youth that she was a researcher doing a study for academic reasons. She had to persistently reassure the children that she was not a journalist or a filmmaker or any type of professional who was using them to make money or gain fame. Indeed, after establishing her specification asShow MoreRelatedThe Los Angeles Lgbt Youth Center1004 Words  | 5 PagesThe Los Angeles LGBT Youth Center serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Their mission is to build a world where LGBT people thrive as healthy, equal and complete members of society. They value respect, excellence, inclusiveness, innovation, and integrity. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level
Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level Monica Stracuzza COM/600 September 15, 2014 Gracie Aguilera Characteristics of Graduate Writing Writing at the graduate level is a significant part of a students coursework when entering into a Masters program. Throughout a persons college career, they have written many papers in their undergraduate studies, but writing papers at a graduate level differs from previous styles of writing. There are very distinct characteristics in graduate writing. Following the rules of graduate writing correctly, makes for a clear and precise paper; grabbing the audiences attention, and making the point of the paper undeniable to the reader, while using facts†¦show more content†¦The information should be organized in a logical manner so that the writer can build their case around the original thesis. Organizing a paper correctly results in a fluid flow from section to section, making the transitions easy to follow. Connecting the paper as a whole and any details, examples, or specifics will logically develop the central idea of the paper. A graduate level writer will also possess the ability to interpret the material, which entails the ability to decipher between an analysis and synthesis, and then chooses one or the other. The synthesis is a combination of the idea that leads to a theory, and analysis is the separation and breakdown of these elements. Writing Strengths and Weaknesses When writing a paper, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. My personal strengths that I believe I possess are editing, free-writing, and organization. My grammar skills are not weak, but there is room for improvement. One of my biggest weaknesses in writing graduate papers is APA formatting. Although I have not had any issues with plagiarism, I have trouble with properly citing source specifics from books to articles, to web pages, and magazines. I will work on improving all my weakness, and fine tuning my strengths because while I believe I possess the ability to write naturally, writing within guidelines is something learned. Managing Time, Stress, and Finding Balance The process ofShow MoreRelatedPreparing for academic success at a graduate level1139 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level COM/600 Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level Having academic success is what a person strives for as they first pursue a collegiate education especially at a graduate level. 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Along with those who graduate college, struggle to find stability. To get a better understanding about the factors that contribute to success in graduates, and undergrads, a correlationalRead MoreThe Effect Of High Rigor Coursework On Indicators Of Postsecondary Success1469 Words  | 6 PagesPreparing High School Students for College: An exploratory study of the impact of high rigor coursework on indicators of postsecondary success Overview and purpose of the project: The current study examined participation in a rigorous high school curriculum and the corresponding outcomes related to college enrollment, persistence, and graduation. Because participation in high rigor college preparatory courses is related to college success, it is expected that students participating in courses with
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Standards on Auditing Disclosures free essay sample
Low Company – Standards on Auditing Disclosures Memo –Low Company List of Relevant Authorities AU 504, AU 9504: Association with Financial Statements Purpose Should a CPA audit major fluctuations in the fourth quarter of the financial statement made by a publicly traded company after they are disclosed in the company’s annual financial statement notes? Issue Aaron Jones, CPA, is auditing the current year’s financial statements of Low Company, a publicly traded company. Aaron notices some major fluctuations in Low’s fourth quarter of the previous year’s financial statement balances. He is aware that security holders of publicly traded company stock that does not separately report fourth quarter results often â€Å"impute†such results by subtracting data based on third quarter interim balances from the year-end balances. Thus, companies should report such significant events as disposals of segments and other unusual items for that quarter as a note to the annual financial statements. We will write a custom essay sample on Standards on Auditing Disclosures or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Aaron notices that Low makes such disclosures, but is unsure if his firm should audit these additional, supplementary disclosures (Module 6 Audit, Case 4). Information In accordance to AICPA Statement on Auditing Standards, AU 9504. 1, after the disclosure of any adjustments made about the interim financial data are noted on the annual report financial statement, the auditor does not have any obligation to audit the interim data. Unless the auditor has been specifically called to do so, he or she does not need to audit the data after auditing the annual financial statements. Thus, Aaron Jones, CPA, does not need to audit the supplementary disclosures made in regards to the major fluctuations in the Low Company’s fourth quarter or the previous year’s financial statement balances. Conclusion All in all, Jones’s firm has no obligation to audit the additional, supplementary disclosures, unless told otherwise. References: AU 9504. AICPA Statement on Auditing Standards. Retrieved on March 13, 2013 from: http://www. aicpa. org/research/standards/auditattest/pages/sas. aspx
Monday, December 2, 2019
Nurse-Patient Relationship Essay Example
Nurse-Patient Relationship Essay Running head: Nurse-Patient Relationship 1 Nurse-Patient Relationship as a caring relationship Abra Nayo Central Connecticut State University Nursing 110-01: Introduction to Nursing Theories Dr. Linda Wagner November 28, 2011 Nurse-patient relationship as a caring relationship 2 The nurse-patient relationship is central to patient satisfaction and sets a tone of the care experience. Nurses are the health care professionals that spends the most time with the patients. By analyzing and understanding the factors that have the greatest impact on overall patient satisfaction, nurses can aim, and can focus their efforts, energies, and resources on improvements with the greatest potential to enhance the patients experience. There are many principles that nurses should use to build a healthy, careful balance of trust, and professional respect with the patients. However, there are also benefits as well as challenges to developing nurse-patient relationship. Ellen Meeropol(2011) in House Arrest, a captivating, and compelling fiction book, examines an unlikely relationship between two woman who , on the surface, could not be more different. Pippa is pregnant and under house arrest for the death of her daughter , and Emily is the nurse assigned to manage Pippa’s prenatal care. As the story unfolds Meeropol uses her twenty-year nursing expertise to describe the relationship of the two women. The question is what is that particular, purposeful relationship that nurse and patient sometimes partake? We will write a custom essay sample on Nurse-Patient Relationship specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nurse-Patient Relationship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nurse-Patient Relationship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This paper will examine the nurse-patient relationship, showing the positive and the most challenging elements so that there can be a deeper understanding and admiration for patients and the impact on the nurse and the patients. The nurse-patient relationship is first based on caring relationship. It is a nurse’s job to care a patient’s medical needs. However, caring for their emotional well-being can also have just as beneficial an impact on patient care. The relationship between nurse and patient requires trust, as well as understanding . For a patient to disclose private or embarrassing details about their physical or mental condition, they need to trust that the nurse will treat them with dignity and respect. Furthermore, patients will only follow the advice of their nurse if they trust in his or her Nurse-patient relationship as a caring relationship professional opinion. This careful balance of trust and professional respect is one of the founding principle for a healthy and respectful nurse-patient relationship. Also, the nurse-patient relationship demonstrates an imbalance of power. Indeed, the nurse has a more extensive knowledge base in terms of care and treatment options. The patient might rely on their nurse and other health care professionals to advise them of the best treatment options for their needs. As a result , there can be unintended power struggle. The nurse , feeling he or she knows what is the best for the patient, can unwittingly influencing a patient to choose the best course of care is important for patient participation, nurses must learn to walk a fine line between influence and assuming control.
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